About Us
Fostering and assistance for Wildlife Needing Aid
FAWNA Inc. (Fostering and assistance for Wildlife Needing Aid) was established in 1984 for the purpose of supporting a small group of avid wildlife rehabilitators in Busselton Western Australia to provide the best care for orphaned, injured, or abandoned wildlife.
Our membership now extends from Mandurah to Albany and all areas in between. This membership covers the Swan Coastal Plain and Great Southern, an area rich in Biodiversity. An area which includes a world-renowned Biodiversity Hotspot and RAMSAR Convention wetland of significance. FAWNA Inc continues to support wildlife rehabbers but is also engaged in Training, Community Education, Citizen Science, Collaborative Research and Lobbying to Conserve our precious Habitats.
FAWNA Inc collaborates with DBCA (Department of Biodiversity Conservation and Attractions ), South West Catchment Council, Leschenault Catchment Council, Margaret River Conservation, The Busselton Dunsborough Environment Centre, Margaret River Environment Centre and the University of Western Australia to maximise the effectiveness of our programs.