

Through your generous support we can continue to rescue and rehabilitate our native wildlife

Help build WA’s first Regional Wildlife Hospital

Proudly supported by Bendigo Bank.

Proudly supported by Bendigo Bank.

WAs Wildlife has waited over 190 years for a Hospital.

The Southwest Region of WA is a Biodiversity Hotspot with many of it’s amazing endemic wildlife already on the critically endangered list due to habitat loss, fragmentation, fox and cat predation, road kill and dog and cat attack.

We have an amazing team of wildlife rehabilitators who have been doing their very best to care for wildlife and release them to the wild.

But there’s a problem!

Our local Domestic Pet and Livestock Vets do their best to help the wildlife but they are not trained to care for wildlife, they don’t have the right equipment, medicines and quiet enclosures away from the noises and smells of domestic pets and the public.

Sometimes our vets are so busy they don’t have time to see our wildlife even in an emergency. Our domestic and livestock vets do not get reimbursed financially for treating wildlife and the rapidly increasing number of wildlife coming into care is causing a significant burden on businesses.

The vet services do not often extend past one visit and Wildlife Rehabbers are on their own after this consultation.

Animals are in pain and dying unnecessarily – We have a moral responsibility to give our wildlife a dedicated veterinary facility – after all we have taken their homes and eroded their habitats.

Here’s what we’re doing about it

FAWNA has an audacious plan to build WAs First Regional Wildlife Hospital and Research Center. We will fund the ongoing costs of the hospital with a co-located 300 hectare Open Plan Biodiversity Park- Eco Tourism Project.
The feasibility study indicates that with the right funding the hospital and eco tourism park could be completed within 2 years.

You can help us give best practice care to our amazing Australian Wildlife and leave a living legacy for our children.


By remembering FAWNA with a gift in your Will, you’re helping ensure the future of our native wildlife.

A gift in your Will to FAWNA contributes to our ongoing work for years to come.
Helping us foster and assist our native wildlife, building and developing our programs, provide training, community education, citizen science & collaborative research.

If you would like to speak to us about leaving a gift in your Will please get in touch through our contact page.

Thank you!

What words do I use in my Will?

It is important to use the correct wording to ensure that your gift is received by FAWNA.
Below is an example of wording to use, however it is always wise to seek legal advice when writing a Will.

I give [the rest and residue of my estate OR the sum of $____] to the following charitable organisation in Western Australia:
PO Box 551, Busselton WA  6280
Ph: 0438 526 660
ABN: 99 857 239 632

The receipt(s) of the Executive Director or Treasurer for the time being of the charitable organisation listed in clause # shall be sufficient discharge for the same and without the need for my trustee to see to the application thereof and any capital gains or other tax arising by reason of these gifts to the charitable organisation shall be paid by the estate.

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